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PasMAX System
Our PasMAXTM system is a patch-housing solution optimized for bre-rich applications like central o ces, headends, and core bre nodes. The system accommodates a wide array of cable-termination options, including patch/splice of pigtails and incoming cable, pure patch of pre-terminated cables, and pure splice of cables. Your choice of optical components such as WDM lters and optical splitters may be integrated as well.
Designed for simple installation and optimised for easy maintenance, our PasMAX system ensures that existing links are protected from unintended disruptions at all times.
The MAX single-circuit splice-management feature provides individual bre access without a ecting other links. For additional link protection, the system includes integrated patch cord routing. Subscriber lines and transmission equipment
Can be mixed on demand for the utmost edibility. The system consists of an all-front-accessible cabinet, housings assigned for splicing and patching, as well as a number of accessories to adapt the system for your network’s specific requirements.
Centrix supports up to 4,320 LC or
2,880 SC connector ports per frame (17,280 LC ports per approx. 1 square meter on a quad con guration) and is o ered in a front-access cabinet that allows back- to-back con gurations or wall mounting. The cabinet design provides optimised routing paths for jumpers, reducing the risk of pileup or entanglement. When using single- bre jumper for patching, Corning recommends the use of 4 m long, 1.6 mm patch cords in a single cabinet or for groups of up to four cabinets.
The foundation of Centrix is a cassette that can be tailored to include a variety of optical devices (splitter, WDM, attenuators, etc.) providing flexibility and functionality within a single frame without sacrificing density. Each cassette contains bre-guiding elements, a splice section, and can hold up to 24 SC or 36 LC connector adapters. Easy port access is possible due to a sliding cassette with drop-down handle.